Snapshots of Grace in Ethiopia


An update from Michael Granger, Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia…

When the Granger family moved to Ethiopia in January 2018, we knew we’d encounter trials, tribulations, sicknesses, and difficulty after difficulty. In short, when we signed up for Ethiopia, we were signing up for bad WiFi and lots of problems. But today I write about problems of a different sort. Very aware of fresh grace, I write about the good problems that accompany that grace. The Holy Spirit generated Trinity Fellowship in the midst of the Corona virus, and a civil war. In spite of our weakness in the face of challenges, God has been growing our precious little flock faster than we can keep up.

Our current membership stands right at approximately 100 members. But at the end of this month 35 additional brothers and sisters will be joining our church. Each one of these candidates has been through our membership class and undergone a pastor/member interview in order to hear their testimony, listen to their understanding of the gospel, and evaluate their understanding of repentance and discipleship. What is more, in 2-weeks time, we’ll be baptizing 10 new members into the church.

Why share about the numbers? Because God cares about numbers... In Acts, we’re given numbers. What is more, each number represents a precious soul that God the Father purchased with the heavenly currency that is the blood of his precious Son. These numbers represent grace. But problems accompany this grace - good problems. Addis Ababa is a concrete jungle with over 10 million inhabitants. The city has run out of space so it builds up rather than out.  Trinity Fellowship currently rents out the 2nd floor of a business building. And our space maxes out right around 200. Well, we’ve been averaging 200 plus in attendance for the last few months and the good problem is we’re out of space. Last Sunday there were around 20 individuals standing in the back. We no longer have room to grow. But the real problem is, we can’t find another space to rent. Last week we were looking at a theater that can seat 600, but the Muslim owner rejected us because we're Christian. Please pray that God would give us a place to meet.

Abigail’s Story

I’d like to tell you a story; the story of one woman’s life and how God is using her to impact the lives of others. It’s easy to read about the numbers I referenced above and see them as merely that - numbers. But it’s something else to see and hear their stories.  Abigail returned to Ethiopia in 2022 after studying abroad in Russia. While away from her homeland, she became an atheist and her life was eclipsed by darkness. She returned to Ethiopia an alcoholic and suicidal, having made several attempts on her own life. After joining a Cross Fit gym just down the street from Trinity Fellowship, she encountered James Lewis - a TF member and missionary from Knoxville Tennessee. He invited her to our Sunday morning service. I remember first meeting Abigail as I walked into the sanctuary. In gloom she was hunched over in her chair. As Christ and him crucified for sinners was preached in the sermon, she thought her friend sitting next to her said, “It’s enough Abigail.” Turning to him she asked, “What did you say?” He laughed and replied, “I didn’t say anything, it was the Holy Spirit.” It was enough, indeed. That Sunday Abigail stopped running for Jesus. Abigail believes she trusted in Jesus for the first time in her life during that sermon. That was November of last year. But his work was just beginning. When I first met Abigail, I think nearly everyone would have said she was insane. Today, Abigail is sane. She’s no longer suicidal. She no longer drinks. And she is obsessed with Jesus!

About two months ago, Abigail threw a party at her home and asked several church members and family members to attend. The theme of the party? "Praise the Lord for Saving Me!" Walking into her house, I saw two of her cousins sitting in the corner by themselves aloof and alone. I sat down next to them and asked what they're into? The elder brother said, “Hip-hop.” “Old-school or New?” was my inquisitive reply. He said he liked the old stuff. Having grown up on gangster rap, I didn’t skip a beat. Instantly changing my voice I rapped the entirety of Notorious B.I.G.’s first verse of “Juicy” … “It was all a dream, I used to read Word Up! magazine, Salt-n-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine … call the crib, same number same hood, and if you don’t know, now you know”  His mouth was gaping open. His sister was glowing. A week later they were at church in the front-row having told their cousin Abigail, they’d never met a pastor that cares about teenagers. After a month in attendance, on Sunday April 2nd, I saw them come up for communion. Abigail ran up to me immediately after the service and said, “They’ve never taken communion before, go talk to them."

Approaching them I acknowledged, “You took communion today, have you done that before?”
“No” the elder brother replied as the sibling representative

“Why haven’t you taken it before?"
“Because we haven’t been baptized.” he answered.
“Why haven’t you been baptized?”
“Because we weren’t Christians” he answered.
“You heard my warning, what made you take it today?” was my final question.
“Because I think I’m a Christian now.”

The Next Generation

In Ephesians 4:8-11 Paul writes, “When [Christ] ascended on high he led captivity captive, and he gave gifts to men… and he gave … shepherds.” Pastors are a gift from the Lord, and in his generous kindness, not only has he given Trinity Fellowship growth in numbers, but the Lord is giving us the gift of more pastors to shepherd those numbers. We're currently in the process of ordaining three men for pastoral ministry: Abenezer and Amanuel will become co-pastors with me of Trinity Fellowship, and we intend to send Brian back to Nairobi, Kenya next year to plant a church. Our intention is to see all three ordained by the end of the year.

This coming September, the dean of our pastors college, Josh Pannel, intends to establish our school's second academic year. We already have over 30 international professors signed up to come teach and we're praying for God to give us 12 students. We currently have 9 prospects.

We are in awe of all that the Lord is doing here in Ethiopia and so grateful for your partnership!

Dave Taylor